Insurance Benefits 2022/2023
We are pleased to provide our employees with a benefit package that offers a wide range of coverages to help protect you and your families.
Employees may enroll in these benefits by calling (314) 262-7088
8am – 5pm CST, Monday through Friday Aug. 15th – Sep. 15th
his year is an ACTIVE enrollment which requires that ALL employees complete an enrollment during the Annual Enrollment window.
Employees will have 2 ways in which they can complete their enrollment:

Complete the enrollment process yourself by utilizing the online Self-Service portal.
Site: https://metlife.benselect.com/stco
Username: Social Security Number
Password: Last 4 digits of your Social Security Number + Last 2 digits of your Year of Birth
Password Example: SSN = 499-97-9856 / Date of Birth = 7/5/1983 / Password = 985683

Call the Enrollment Center Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM CT at (314) 262-7088 to receive assistance from a Benefit Counselor who can answer any questions you may have.
When you call, please have date of birth and social security information for yourself and your dependents.

Accident Insurance
In the event of a covered accident, the plan pays cash benefits fast to help with the costs associated with out-of-pocket expenses and bills—expenses major medical may not take care of, including:
• Ambulance rides.
• Wheelchairs, crutches, and other medical appliances.
• Emergency room visits.
• Surgery and anesthesia.
• Bandages, stitches, and casts.

Critical Illness
Critical Illness insurance helps with the treatment costs of covered critical illnesses, such as a heart attack or stroke.
More importantly, it helps you focus on recuperation, with the Critical Illness plan, you receive cash benefits directly giving you the flexibility to help pay bills related to treatment or to help with everyday living expenses.

Hospital Indemnity
Hospital Indemnity provides financial assistance to enhance your current coverage. So you can avoid dipping into savings or having to borrow to address out-of-pocket-expenses major medical insurance was never intended to cover. Like transportation and meals for family members, help with child care, or time away from work, for instance.
The call center is open from 8am to 5pm central time, Monday through Friday at (314) 262-7088. All employees must call into the call center before the first of the month after 60 days of employment. You may begin the enrollment process one month prior to the effective date. For example, if you begin working on September 15th the effective date would be December 1st. The enrollment period would be November 1st through November 30th.
What do you need to do to enroll in your benefits:
- Review your benefit materials on this website
- Look at your spouse’s plan and the plans offered through your state’s health insurance exchange. Compare the costs of coverage and the benefits provided to see which coverage makes sense for you and your family.
- Gather your dependents’ SSNs and dates of birth. All Employees must have their dependents SSNs and dates of birth, if the dependent is to be covered under any of the benefit plans.
- Call the benefits enrollment line at (314) 262-7088 to schedule your benefit counseling session. The call center is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5:30pm. Complete your benefit elections during your scheduled counseling session.
If you need further assistance, please contact the Enrollment Center at (314) 262-7088 Monday through Friday 9am to 5:30pm for assistance.