What is New and Changing for the 2021/2022 Plan Year

Medical Insurance
Summary of Benefit Coverages
Area supervisors, store managers, assistant managers, and home office based employees are eligible to participate in our medical plan (PPO). This medical insurance will remain with UMR for the 2021 plan year.
Minimum Essential Coverage
Benefit Administrator: UMR
Customer Service Line: (800) 826-9781
Prescription Plan
RxBenefits, Inc.

Dental Insurance
Preferred Dentist Program
Designed to help you get the dental care you need and help lower your costs. You get benefits for a wide range of covered services — both in and out of the network. The goal is to deliver affordable protection for a healthier smile and a healthier you.
Dental Carrier Information
Carrier: MetLife
Phone: 1.877.638.2862

Long Term Disability
Protect Your Income
Disability income protection insurance provides a benefit for “long term” disability resulting from a covered injury or sickness. Benefits begin at the end of the elimination period and continue while you are disabled up to the maximum benefit duration.
- Extended Disability Benefit
- FMLA Continuation
- Interruption and Recurrent provisions
- Living Benefit
- Rehabilitation provision
- Residual and Partial Disability
- Specific Indemnity Benefit
- Work Incentive & Child Care provisions

Click Here below for your Comprehensive Benefit Guide
To log in to the enrollment site:
Username: Social Security Number without any dashes
Password: Last 4 digits of your SSN and the last 2 digits of your birth year.
Example: SSN 123-45-6789 Birth Year 1985
Example Username: 123456789
Example Password: 678985

Life With AD&D
Today, active lifestyles in or out of the home may result in bumps, bruises and sometimes breaks. Getting the right treatment can be vital to recovery, but it can also be expensive. And if an accident keeps you away from work during recovery, the financial worries can grow quickly.

Life Insurance
Life is unpredictable. Now you can provide your family with financial peace of mind for the future and the journey to get there. Not only do you get protection for your lifetime, but you also have the ability to build cash value as you go.
- Living Benefit Rider
- FMLA/MSLA Continuation
- Portability